Paper Read 5 - Springer Handbook of Robotics 10. Redundant Robots 10.4 Redundancy Resolution via Optimization
In this post, I am going to document my learning process of gradient projection method.
In this post, I am going to document my learning process of gradient projection method.
In this post, I am going to document my learning process of Jacobian Transpose, Pseudoinverse and Damped Least Squares methods, which complement post 4. In addition to this, there is the learning of Selectively Damped Least Squares methods.
The kinematics consists of two layers of models, firstly for the transformation relation from joint space to Cartesian space for the overall kinematic properties of the manipulator, and additionally to analyse the transformation relation from drive space to joint space.
A fundamental problem in robotics - because for any manipulator, the amount you want to control is in the manipulation space, while the amount you can control is in the joint space.
Instantaneous kinematics also describes the mapping from joint space to operation space. However, the term “instantaneous” indicates that it does not describe “static” positions, but rather “dynamic” velocities. The function of forward kinematics is shown as follows: \(\begin{aligned} \vec{x} = f(\vec{q}) \end{aligned}\)
Value iteration: start from an initial valuec $v_{0}$, Step 1: Policy update, Step 2: Value update
Based on the overall needs and design performance index requirements of the cable-driven manipulator, the joints are assigned as shoulder, elbow and wrist. The shoulder and wrist joints include 3-DOF in pitch, yaw, and rotation, and the elbow joint is responsible for 1-DOF in pitch, and the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints are connected with each other to form the overall arm.